Have you ever looked in the mirror and just cringed at the interesting things that seem to appear from time to time? Sometimes there are just some things that makeup cannot cover up! We will be talking about a facial with Vasculyse.
Gentlemen, we know that you would love to look good as well! Not very many of us are blessed with perfect, flawless, so called “celebrity” skin. Often times the first thing that people notice in others is their face. Considering it is the first thing people look at, it often has an effect on the quality of our lives, self-esteem and our confidence.
The Young Man
A young man, in his early twenties, had his whole life turn around with the new Vasculyse Treatments. Coming in for treatments initially, he was a young man with very little self-confidence, shy and in despair. He came in with his head down, wearing a hoodie was just, “his way”. After several treatments and many skin tags later, he walked with his head up, proud and no hoodie was to be seen. The young man went from being miserable, to being joyful. The transformation was extremely inspiring and very rewarding. This man’s life has changed for the better.
Our faces should be considered as a window to the world. A lot of skin conditions can be treated quickly and efficiently. So say goodbye to stressing about your skin and hello to quick solutions with our wonderful new technologies.
With Vasculyse now available, these treatments can be done quickly, efficiently and virtually painlessly! Broken capillaries, ruby points, milia, cholesterol deposits around the eyes and skin tags (Whether they are on our face, neck, or body) can be treated easily. One of the best technologies available today, is the Vasculyse Machine.
The Machine
The Vasculyse Machine is a computerized system that is non-invasive and uses mild currents to the area of concern. This treatment is called Capillary Coalysis or Coagulation. The technician works around works the area with the tip which is used only once per client-in order to maintain strict and proper sanitation procedures. You might feel a slight pricking sensation during the treatment, although, it is over so fast that it’s hardly a noticeable concern. Since we are cutting off blood flow to the distended area, skin tags and broken capillaries will not return. You may find that you are developing skin tags and broken capillaries in other areas if you are prone to these conditions. Some of them may also be genetic but using good skin care and sunscreen is very important for healthy skin.
The technician using the system must be trained and knowledgeable with a good understating of the skin. A good consultation is always paramount with any skin treatment. We need to know what concerns you have because we all require different needs.
The pictures at https://pinosalon.com/medispa/vasculyse-treatment/ are helpful in identifying what conditions you may have. The photos demonstrate results. Getting more than just a facial will be a wonderful thing.